This stuff works great! We used to use enzyme cleaners on stinky dive gear but this product is superior. I highly recommend it. It takes the stink out. We even use it in the laundry with smelly undergarments. Daren Levitt New Hampshire ...
Our 100% safe and effective enzyme formulas are the foundation for this program. These products soften and condition the spa water, stabilize pH & alkalinity and reduce or eliminate the use of many harsh chemicals. Following our program will allow you to drain your spa water without bringing ha...
It came back a few years ago and I consulted a different naturopath who put me onto NADH which is a Co-Enzyme, antioxidant form of vitamin B3. The tremor stopped after several months taking one tablet a day. I use ENADA, NADH from iherb. I stopped it several months ago and the ...
It was 10+ years ago, but I want to say it took a good 3-4 months, first with treating with 1 type of acidophilus for 3 weeks including cleaners such as milk thistle, and then back to see what else was indicated and then dosing those remedies and another type of acidophilus for ...
Beneficial nematodes are insect-parasitic, which means that these small microscopic “worms” are safe for pets, people, and plants, but not pests. There are many different kinds of nematodes, but the ones marketed for flea control and pest control in gardens are not one of the nasty ones....