3 for futher examples). Under each reconstructed image in Fig. 2, we also give a quantitative measure of the reconstruction quality based on the ‘structural similarity index’ (SSIM) and the ‘Pearson correlation coefficient’ (see Supplementary Note 2). These coefficients measure the similarity ...
Natural climate solutions can mitigate climate change in the near-term, during a climate-critical window. Yet, persistent misunderstandings about what constitutes a natural climate solution generate unnecessary confusion and controversy, thereby delaying
32). They work examples in order to concretize these methodological approaches to the social creation of risk: a longitudinal reconstruction of the causes of the 2010 earthquake disaster in Haiti; use of a 1992 study of Honduras as if it had been a prospective scenario building exerci...
(2018, National Science Review) Learning causality and causality-related learning: some recent progress. Kun Zhang, Bernhard Schölkopf, Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour. [pdf] (2016) Causal discovery and inference: Concepts and recent methodological advances. [pdf] (2019 Front. Genet.) Review of Ca...
The UK Government describes ‘Natural Capital’ as a stock of natural assets and includes both the living and non-living aspects of the ecosystem. Examples of assets include water, air, soils, and ecological communities (Defra, 2020). These assets can generate a wide range of direct and indir...
Prior to that, however, eyes had attracted significant attention, with the elucidation of compound eyes of some insects and the graded-refractive-index lenses of fish. The latter prevents spherical aberration by focusing beams entering different regions of the lens onto the same focal plane — the...
(2018, National Science Review) Learning causality and causality-related learning: some recent progress. Kun Zhang, Bernhard Schölkopf, Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour. [pdf] (2016) Causal discovery and inference: Concepts and recent methodological advances. [pdf] (2019 Front. Genet.) Review of Ca...
Science identity transformations through place-based teaching and learning in the natural world This dissertation includes three main components related through a sociocultural lens of identity transformation. The first component describes the Field S... A Defelice - Dissertations & Theses - Gradworks 被...
Biological visual systems have evolved to process natural scenes. A full understanding of visual cortical functions requires a comprehensive characterization of how neuronal populations in each visual area encode natural scenes. Here, we utilized widefie
(x) and f(y) by iteratively changing ‘yi’ to obtain ‘yn’.bExamples of texture families and the respective spectrally matched stimuli (scrambles).cSchematic plot of the automatic training system with self-head fixation.dTexture – scramble go/no go task: the mouse must rotate a rubber ...