To simplify the generation of native images, Native Image now works out of Maven with the Native Image Maven Plugin.One can build a native image directly with Maven using the mvn package command without running the native-image tool as a separate step. It is sufficient to add native-image-...
If I want to use native-image-maven-plugin I have to define the main class by myself. Describe the solution you'd like. Some framework like spring boot provide additional dependency the enrich the native-image experience. Currently there is no away that a dependency (like spring-graalvm-nati...环境准备.md 2.【打本地包】打包成exe并启动。性能高、包小、又不依赖JDK/JRE打本地包exe并启动.md 3.exe与jar优缺点对比 参考 demo项目地址...
i'm using the docker image oracle/graalvm-ce:19.3.0-java11 and a maven test project, that i'd like to build. dependency using: <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>native-image-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>19.2.1</...
多亏了Jose Peredacomment,我能够使用Gluon插件构建本机映像。我用了gluon plugin samples。但首先,我...
Installing Native Image Getting Started with Native Image User Guides Native Image Basics Build Overview Reachability Metadata Optimizations and Performance Debugging and Diagnostics Dynamic Features of Java Interoperability with Native Code LLVM Backend for Native Image ...
我正在使用GraalVm的native-image-maven-plugin为JavaFX应用程序创建一个本机映像。当我尝试在构建成功结束后执行它时,我得到以下错误: Exceptioninthread"main"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org.apache.xerces.parsers.ObjectFactory at org.apache.xerces.parsers.ObjectFactory.class$(Unknown Source) at org....
2.【打本地包】打包成exe并启动。性能高、包小、又不依赖JDK/JRE打本地包exe并启动.md 3.exe与jar优缺点对比 参考 demo项目地址
Hello, I am having trouble while compiling springboot using maven v3.1.1, the error message is Fatal error:$HostedError: Option name "IncludeResourceBundles" has multiple definitions:
With version 20.0.0 everything worked well with windows, but now: Error: Unable to detect supported WINDOWS native software development toolchain.$UserException: Unable to detect supported WINDOWS nativ...