Tyonek village tours. (Tyonek Native Corp., Alaska Village Tours Inc.) (Native-Owned Enterprises) (company profile)Brynko, B.L
The National Congress of American Indiansrecently highlighteda statistic that states: The percentage of American Indian and Alaska Natives living in poverty in 2017 was estimated to be 26.8%. This compares to 14.6% for the nation as a whole. According to theAmerican Indian Education Fund (AIEF),...
While the masks in this exhibition need not be functional, many of them are. Many artists have gifted masks to healthcare workers on the frontlines of this crisis. Masks made by Nasuk Ahyakak (Native Village of Barrow, Iñupiaq).
The article offers a corporate profile for Tyonek Native Corp. (TNC) in Cook Inlet, Alaska in 2010. TNC is a for-profit village corporate founded under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. TNC oversees subsidiaries in such fields as information technology services, aircraft maintenance ...
Wood double-diffusion treatment plant : Tyonek Native Corporation, Kenai Borough, Alaska /Kasey. Russell