Kutchin– A group of Athapascan tribes in Alaska and Canada that once inhabited the region on the Yukon and its tributaries above Nuklukayet, the Peel River Basin, and the lower Mackenzie Valley. Their name means “people,” and the group included several tribes, including the Tenakutchin,...
John Graham, a Native of the Yukon, and a former member of the American Indian Movement, is convicted of the murder of his former AIM comrade Anna Mae Pictou Aquash. As noted earlier, much of the evidence in the case points to Anna Mae’s death having been at the hands of the FBI....
Yup’ik village historical governance The Yup’ik people are an Alaska Native population with a traditional homeland in southwestern Alaska, in a region several hundred miles west of Anchorage, where the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers empty into the Bering Sea. Until the 20th century, Yup’ik life ...
During thestatewide 1934 heat wave, residents of Gallipolis, a village in Ohio, bore the brunt of the highest temperature ever recorded in the state. Residents left their furnace-like houses in the hopes of finding a shady spot to cool off, while many slept on their rooftops, porches, or ...