A number of approaches are available but one, in particular, pattern recognition (segmentation) combined with modelling from floristic site data, is currently being used to map vegetation across NSW. An independent assessment of this approach based on a review of the Greater Hunter Native Vegetation...
Trangie, NSW Lucerne 74 3 12 59 1.2 25 34 a Calculated as N fixed − (N removed + N lost during the pasture phase). b Calculated as net N balance from the pasture phase − N removed by subsequent crop. The amount of N fixed by the above-ground shoot of a range of legume sp...
Broad Vegetation Groups DAF: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries DCDB: Digital cadastral database DEM-H: Digital Elevation Model- Hydrological DPI, NSW: Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales FH: Freehold land FPC14: Foliage projective cover 2014 FSC: Forestry Stewardship Co...
Broad Vegetation Groups DAF: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries DCDB: Digital cadastral database DEM-H: Digital Elevation Model- Hydrological DPI, NSW: Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales FH: Freehold land FPC14: Foliage projective cover 2014 FSC: Forestry Stewardship Co...
Tozer, MG, Turner, K, Keith, DA, Tindall, D, Pennay, C, Simpson, C, MacKenzie, B, Beukers, P, Cox, S (2010) Native vegetation of southeast NSW: a revised classification and map for the coast and eastern tablelands. Cunninghamia 11: pp. 359-406 Traveset, A, Richardson, DM (20...
border. This species shows the strongest sexual dimorphism (males can turn bright orange-red overall) and larger adults are deep bodied.Hypseleotris compressais also known from southern New Guinea and islands in the Torres Strait; a distribution map forH. compressain Australia is given in Fig.1...
tMUreSae,r-rtreinisnuLgltairnkeegcoδinr1d8lOsowcfarloδa1mn8Odtphareerciepccoaonnntdisnδtr1eu8nOcttacialol UvnaSolufaentsh.deTAhwilisansitnkeatre3rP6.pNTreAhteaitnMiodnaerxitsi(nswuLPpaNpkoAer-t)wefdrPobNmyAt1hδ7e128sO5trtoconog1r8rce4ol0rartCeiolEantbi(oarns =...
As part of developing a strategic framework to assist biodiversity conservation for the whole of the Alps Network, a common vegetation classification and map was produced. The new classification utilised existing State vegetation classes and mapping to produce a common system by ma...
NSW,ustralia.pectraleflectance wascquiredromnSDpectrometerndirborneymap imageryoreven nativeorestpeciesvernustralian eucalyptusorest.hreeachine-learninglassificationlgorithms:upport Vectorachine (SVM),daBoostndandomorest (RF) wereppliedolassifyhepecies.omparativetudy wasarriedutetweenachine-learninglassifi...
Centre for Ecosystem Sciences, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, The University of New South Wales, High Street, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia 5 Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT), Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal * Author to whom correspon...