Antolova D, Reiterová K, Dubinsky P (2007) Seroprevalence ofToxoplasma gondiiin wild boars (Sus scrofa) in the Slovak Republic. Ann Agric Environ Med 14:71 PubMedGoogle Scholar Aplet GH, Anderson SJ, Stone CP (1991) Association between feral pig disturbance and the composition of some ali...
Available online: (accessed on 11 October 2020). Basher, L. Erosion Processes and Their Control in New Zealand. In Ecosystem Services in New Zealand...
When the fruit is ripe, they fall down from the tree and are collected at this stage. The pulp is thick and with low water content. The fruits were air-dried and the edible portion (pulp) was mechanically separated from the husk and grinded. The edible pulp was separated from the husks...
Advances in Plant Mutagenesis ResearchAdvances in Plant Nitrogen MetabolismAdvances in Plant RegenerationAdvances in Plant Sulfur ResearchAdvances in Research with BryophytesAdvances in Tea Tree ResearchAdvances in Utilization, Conservation, and Breeding of Crop Genetic Resources Using Omics TechnologiesAdvances ...