根据第一段“Both native English speakers and non-native speakers find the spelling of English is the most difficult”以英语为母语的人和不是以英语为母语的人都认为英语拼写是最难的。故答案为The spelling of English.【小题2】根据第二段“The link between sound and spelling in English is not ...
Non-native speaker useDuring the last few decades serious interest has been shown in the study of discourse markers (henceforth DMs) and it has become an important and extensive field for research. This "growing industry in linguistics" (Fraser 1999: 932) produces a considerable number of books...
根据文章第一段第一句Both native English speakers and non-native speakers find the spelling of English is the most difficult.“英语母语者和非英语母语者都觉得英语的拼写是最难的。” 故回答ThespellingofEnglish.。故正确答案为ThespellingofEnglish.。2.题干意为“为什么在英语中发音和拼写之间的联系并不...
non-native speaker指“非母语使用者”,即某人在童年或成年后学习某种语言,而非作为婴儿时期自然习得的语言。 'Non-native Speaker'的全面解析 'Non-native Speaker'的基本定义 'Non-native speaker'这一术语,指的是那些并非在婴儿时期自然习得某种语言,而是在童年或成年后通过学习掌握...
2. Because spelling changes did not keep pace with changes in the sound system after the development of printing and of conventions for spelling. And there are some spelling conventions that are based on other languages. 3. Yes. 4. He attempted to get rid of some of the irregularities from...
nativespeakernonnativespeakersenglishesenglish Topic:Someresearchers,e.g.,Kirkpatrick(2007,p.10),arguethatinthecontextofWorldEnglishes,suchtermsas“nativespeakers”and“non-nativespeakers”shouldbeavoided.Towhatextentdoyouagreewiththeagreement,andwhy?Ithaslongbeentakenforgrantedthatthereexistsadistinctionbetweennat...
【解析】 根据第一段“Both native English speakers and non-native speakers find the spelling of Engli shis the most difficult"以英语为母语的人和不 是以英语为母语的人都认为英语拼写是最难的。 2.【答案】 Because spelling changes did not keep pace wi th changes in the sound system after the ...
1.What is the most difficult for native English speakers and non-native speakers? 2.Why isn't the link between sound and spelling in English phonetically exact? 3.Did the printers often put additional letters into words to get more money?
First, although a dichotomy vision of the native speaker and the non-native speaker is not linguistically sound (Luk & Lin, 2007; Moussu & Llurda, 2008), it is socially present in Hong Kong. Under the Native English Teachers (NET) scheme in Hong Kong,1 NESTs are called native English ...
native和non-nativespeaker的优缺点 系统标签: nnestsnative优缺点medgyesspeakernests LinguisticsandEducation23(2012)1–15 ContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirect LinguisticsandEducation journalhomepage:.elsevier.com/locate/linged StrengthsandweaknessesofNESTsandNNESTs:Perceptionsof NNESTsinHongKong LaiPingFlor...