Are you ready to make a difference by promoting and protecting Oregon's native plants and habitats? We're looking for new faces to join the Portland Chapter NPSO board! Several board members are finishing their terms, and eight roles will be open for new volunteers. Terms will begin in Feb...
Excellent selection of Northwest native plants for for backyard habitats and restoration projects. Nursery visits are by appointment.
Sparrowhawk Native Plants LLC organizes pop-up native plant sales in neighborhoods around Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington for eco-minded home gardeners that want to help birds, pollinators, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds by planting locall
NEWYORKNATIVEPLANTS CompiledbySteveYoung,NewYorkNaturalHeritageProgram,November2004 *=mostusedattheNaturalHeritageProgram COMPREHENSIVEPLANTMANUALSANDFLORAS *Fernald,MerrittL.1950.GraysManualofBotany.EighthEdition.DioscoridesPress,Portland,Oregon. ThiscontainsverydetaileddescriptionsandkeysofalloftheplantsintheNortheas...
This study evaluated seeds and seedlings of 13 native forbs and 5 grasses common in the dry Pinus ponderosa/Purshia tridentata/Festuca idahoensis plant communities east of the Oregon Cascades crest and their potential for establishment in a landscape altered by past grazing and a recent, stand-...
ERICMADER, MACE VAUGHAN - Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Portland, Oregon NED H . EULISS , JR . - U.S. Geological Survey, Jamestown, North Dakota Protection from Pesticides A factor that can be addressed at multiple levels is the use of pesticides. In...
Art in the Pearl- Portland's Pearl District hosts this annual art show Oregon State Fair- a hit with young and old, always exciting, in Salem NASCAR race- no longer at Darlington, now at California Speedway in Fontana Fashion changes- put away white clothes and shoes ...
The Gamecocks, who have made theFinal Four in four straight years, will play N.C. State on Friday night in Cleveland. The Wolfpack beat Texas later Sunday in Portland, Oregon. "Each time we get an opportunity to cut down nets is kind of special," Staley said. ...
USDA Forest Service General Technical Re- port PNW-GTR-463, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon, USA. Graham, R.T., S. McCaffrey, and T.B. Jain. 2004. Science basis for changing forest structure to modify wildfire behavior and severity. USDA Forest Service General Technical ...
Jim Pepper (born June 18, 1941, Salem, Oregon, U.S.—died February 10, 1992, Portland, Oregon) was an American saxophonist, singer, and composer known for a musical style that fused various genres of Native American music—including stomp dance, peyote music, and intertribal powwow music...