I love trees, and I grow some very lovely non-native trees, which, as long as they show no signs of invasiveness, are welcome in our yard. One of these trees,Poliothyrsis sinensis, has produced a handful of seedlings, and this fall, I was able to give the curator of the University ...
One of the bonuses of their native plant garden is the many pollinators, birds and other wildlife attracted to their Porter Ranch yard, said Margaret Hinch. “The squirrels can get quite aggressive if I get too near ‘their’ walnuts,” she said with a laug...
Not only that if you keep it alive in a pot then you can plant it in your yard after. Distribution: This indigenous tree is found in the dry to mesic forests on all the main islands except Ni’ihau and Kaho’olawe. In certain localities you can still find this plant along the coast...
Aurora Anayawanted a garden with year-round colorwhen she swapped her old lawn in Whittier for a native plant landscape.A bonus was a yard full of fragrance and endangered monarch butterflies. Laura La Ruegrows plants to make dyesfor her tie-dye creations. She’s a...
we have said hello to lots of variety in plant, insect, bird and other life. We have greeted a different type of yard maintenance, as a switch occurred from encouraging one kind of plant to grow so we could mow it, to keeping exuberant growth from taking over completely. There is a lo...
Dead trees, dry, bare ground and brittle plant stems poking up through the snow may not fit everyone’s idea of a beautiful yard, especially in the city. But nearly fifteen years of observing our little patch of Columbia have taught us that all these fit into the larger matrix of how li...
As part of providing free yard work, the organization teaches children about serving their communities and lawn mower safety.A key component of RMLCS is its 50-yard challenge,which sets a goal for children nationwide to mow 50 lawns for free in their community. When a kid signs up for the...
Millville High School alum Buddy Kennedy was optioned to Triple-A Toledo earlier this week but had a chance to show the Detroit Tigers he deserves to be on their Opening Day roster. On Saturday the former Thunderbolt went yard, smashing a solo home run against the Toronto Blue Jays in Du...
Signs that You Need Professional Tree Help »Posted bysecure_adminon May 26, 2021 inTree Service|0 comments Trees can be very nice to see in our yard. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to grow them, especially when we want to ensure that we can benefit from it like the shade....
Little did we know, Arizona is one of the youngest states in America, joining the Union as the 48th state only in 1912. It has been home to Native American tribes for thousands of years before European settlers ventured into its harsh yet stunning landscapes. We can trace signs of the an...