If you walk into a native plant nursery, you must feel defeated because all the little plants look similar. Now we have the shopping guide for you: a set of easy-to-carry flashcards that explain in brilliant color1 what those little plants will look like when they all grow up. Native ...
OVER the last two weeks I have spent more time away, travelling across Central Queensland and the Darling Downs.While I am away I always keep an eye out for outstanding plants, whether in flower or growth.At the moment one plant that really stands out is the Hibiscus. Both the native ...
According to the study's lead scientist Associate Professor Rod Fensham from The University of Queensland thedisease, myrtle rust, arrived in Australia in 2010 and poses a major threat to the survival of dozens of Australian plantspecies. "Myrtle rust is a highly contagious and deadly plant disea...
According to the study's lead scientist Associate Professor Rod Fensham from The University of Queensland thedisease, myrtle rust, arrived in Australia in 2010 and poses a major threat to the survival of dozens of Australian plantspecies. "Myrtle rust is a highly contagious and deadly plant disea...
Plant Cell 6:927–933 CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Brawner JT, Lee DJ, Hardner CM, Dieters MJ (2011) Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria shoot blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia. Tree Genet Genomes 7:759–772 ...
However, it is not only their superior morphological or physiological traits that could confer a competitive advantage to invasive species relative to natives but also the dynamic response of their traits [21]. Invasiveness can indeed be related to a higher plasticity of the plant traits in respons...
However, the plantlets of Australian origin seem to be sensitive to being open in the sun, and they may be required to be grown under partial shade during early nursery production. Beauty leaf tree flowers two times per year and up to 8000 fruits per plant can be harvested in a year. ...
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia, 1992. 27. Barnes, E.E.; Gosnell, S.; Hallagan, C.; Otten, K.E.; Slayter, L.; Murphy, S.M. Performance of Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum) on two common host plants, including a new host plant record....