Across the continent, Indigenous peoples are methodically reasserting control over their land, laws, and how they live.
Salinas artisans produced a pottery called Chupadera Black-on-white, which – possibly thanks to the Jumano trading caravans – has turned up in Native American archaeological sites from the Piney Woods of east Texas to desert lands of northwestern Chihuahua and southeastern Arizona. Salinas workmen ...
The numbers probably related to the numbers assigned to Indians on the Dawes Rolls resulting from the Dawes Act of 1887 which allotted tribal lands in severalty to individual tribal members in exchange for Native Americans becoming US citizens and giving up some forms of tribal self-government. In...
A map of the central drylands of California sampled for patterns in plant associations with and without native shrubs present and with and without a highly invasive plant species. Each point shows a site surveyed for plant occurrences by species. A total of 11 sites were used. Each site was ...
If you’ve ever edited OpenStreetMap, please dive in! UPDATE 2: Ok, so the tag for “boundary=aboriginal_lands” is now approved for the OpenStreetMap database! Now we could really use a Spanish and Portuguese translation of the wiki page. (Still to come: getting it to show up on ...
A map of where Native American tribes lived A Native American tipi Petroglyphs in Idaho A totem pole in Alaska, USA Montezuma Castle in Camp Verde, Arizona, which was built and used by the Sinagua people The amazing traditional clothing and headdresses of the First Nation people A Native Ame...
Among the intact subwatersheds, 94% had forested lands encompassing over 68% of the land base. Continued habitat loss from land use practices and the presence of naturalized exotic fishes threaten the remaining brook trout populations. The distribution of brook trout subwatershed status and related...
The locally adapted varieties and subpopulations provide a source of novel alleles that can be exploited in rice breeding to develop a new generation of sustainable ‘Green Super Rice’ with lower input needs, enhanced nutritional content and suitability for growing on marginal lands (Wing et al. ...
The title was later purchased very cheaply by Massachusetts and sold off in the Phelps and Gorham Purchase and the Holland Purchase, after which by treaty these lands became part of New York State. The tribes were either moved to reservations or sent westward. Part of the Cayuga Nation was ...
ultimately, increase their capacity to serve and sustain their Native communities. May we all, in our perspectives and practices, more deeply affirm the value of Indigenous science—the living of right relations with lands, waters, and each other (Bang2020)—for it may hold the futurity of us...