Kentucky was once full of native flowering plants that fed our pollinators and supported local wildlife. Now, as humans have spread across the land, so too have exotic, invasive plants from modern landscaping. It's been estimated that 15% of our flora is now made up of exotic plants, and...
Illinois Native Plants for Landscaping Illinois is home to natural forests, prairies, wetlands, and meadows. The state has more than 100 native plant species, many found nowhere else in the 17 Min Reading Native Plants Michigan Native Plants for Landscaping [with Pictures] Michigan’s rich botanic...
Illinois Native Plants for Landscaping Illinois is home to natural forests, prairies, wetlands, and meadows. The state has more than 100 native plant species, many found nowhere else in the 17 Min Reading Native Plants Michigan Native Plants for Landscaping [with Pictures] Michigan’s rich botanic...
Life cycle assessment of native plants and marginal lands for bioenergy agriculture in Kentucky as a model for south-eastern USA. S Debolt,JE Campbell,R Smith,M Montross,J Stork. GCB Bioenergy . 2009Debolt S, Campbell J E, Smith R, et al. Life cycle assessment of native plants and ...
Fast forward to today, and a house doesn’t seem complete without its neatly-mowed spread of Kentucky bluegrass. Unfortunately, our obsession with lawns comes with a host of problems. Especially in the West, lawns gobble water that we can scarcely afford. Just how much depends on several fact...
Lifecycleassessmentofnativeplantsandmarginallands forbioenergyagricultureinKentuckyasamodelfor south-easternUSA SETHDEBOLT*,J.ELLIOTTCAMPBELLw,RAYSMITHJR.z,MICHAELMONTROSS§and JOZSEFSTORK* *DepartmentofHorticulture,N-318AgriculturalScienceCenter,UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,KT40546-0091,USA, wCollegeofEngineerin...
Voices of Memory: Historical Role of Oral Tradition, produced by, Kentucky Educational TV, 1989, video VHS. Museum of the Cherokee Indian call number 2009.020.0001. Museum of the Cherokee Indian card catalog description: Includes brief historical sketch of Cherokees with emphasis on Eastern Band;...
These folks are passionate about native plants and love to share their knowledge with anyone who asks. Since their gardens are probably close by, they can give you the best answers about what will work best in your garden. Below is a guide to the native plant societies in the US and Cana...
Beneficial insects in sweet corn bordered by native perennial plants and pasture in Central KentuckyJohn Sedlacek