Hui Ku Maoli Ola Native Plant Nursery is your one-stop shopping destination for all of your Hawaiian plant needs. Contact us for more information!!
Today this plant exists naturally on all of the main Hawaiian Islands except Kaho’olawe although it most likely occurred there in the past. Landscape Use and Care: This plant looks great as an accent plant around large landscape stones or as a bedding plant. Full sun is ok but partial sha...
Our commitment to improving upon the restoration “status quo” in Hawai’i has yielded outstanding results for the projects we have performed thus far. One of our most exciting & remarkable results has been the successful breeding of three new generations of ‘Alae ‘ula (Hawaiian gallinule) ch...
To examine these potential threats, we surveyed gastropods in 21 high elevation (> 500 m) horticultural/agricultural facilities on three Hawaiian Islands (Oahu, Maui and Hawaii) and compared these surveys to 31 previous low elevation nursery surveys (< 500 m) on the same islands...
Hui Ku Maoli Ola Native Plant Nursery is your one-stop shopping destination for all of your Hawaiian plant needs. Contact us for more information!!