WASHINGTON (D.C.)XENOPUSTADPOLESFROGSNATIVE speciesNEWTSXENOPUS laevisInvasive species threaten biodiversity globally. Amphibians are one of the most threatened vertebrate taxa and are particularly sensitive to invasive species, including other amphibians. African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) ar...
The main threat the toads cause to species such as dingos, quolls, goannas, and crocodiles is the poison contained in glands (腺) on each of the frogs' shoulders. The poison sprays out when the toads are threatened or handled roughly. The poison is made up of 14 different chemicals. Toge...
Peter Atkins took a traditional landscape and transferred it into a show landscape rich with texture, color and a variety of texture. The front of the house is formal and the rear is relaxed and in tune with gardens surrounded by conservation land. At the entry, a formal look with a large...
Usen did not intend snakes, frogs, or fishes to be eaten. I have never eaten of them. There were many eagles in the mountains. These we hunted for their feathers. It required great skill to steal upon an eagle, for besides having sharp eyes, he is wise and never stops at any ...