native cat- carnivorous arboreal cat-like marsupials of Australia and Tasmania Dasyurus viverrinus dasyure- any of several more or less arboreal marsupials somewhat resembling martens Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
We present data on patterns of mate-sharing collected during a seven-year study of Tasmanian Native Hens at Maria Island, off the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. At this site, Tasmanian Native Hens lived in groups of two to 13 birds that defended all-purpose territories. Monogamy, ...
The remains of birds and small mammals were found in 17% of the droppings. All droppings contained similar amounts of plant material. Seasonal changes in the contribution of different species of prey to the diet of native cats are discussed....
Favoring dry conditions, black sheoak is native to Queensland, Tasmania, NSW and Victoria, and can grow up to eight meters high. It flowers in spring, with either rusty-brown spikes or red flowers that develop into cones. Its seeds are an important food source for many native birds, includ...
Finally, I tested the influence of superb lyrebirds onecosystem function through experiments on the effect of their activity on severalecosystem processes (decomposition, nitrogen cycling and soil respiration). Superblyrebirds increased decomposer potential but did not appear to influence soil res...
During seven years of field observations, only on two occasions S. nobilis fell prey to native species [23]. It is likely that larger predators, such as birds, prey upon S. nobilis and in turn help keep numbers in check, but predation events on S. nobilis have yet to be documented in...