Donald Fixico, one of the foremost scholars on Native Americans, details the day-to-day lives of these indigenous people. Moving from life among tribes in the early 1900s to the cities of mainstream America after WWI and WWII, many Native Americans grappled with being both Indian and American...
The playing field is tilted against entrepreneurs of color.Asian Americans have openedhundreds of thousands of small businessesin recent years—but to this day, AAPI small business owners face systemic barriers to success. In a survey of small businesses serving low-income communities,nearly a third...
with the1st Cavalry Airborne Division in Vietnam. He currently lives in Palms Springs, CA. Richard’s Father and brother are also veterans. His father, Ernest Salgado Sr., served in WWII and his brother Ernie Jr. was serving in the Army National Guard when called on active duty in 1966....
The Native American’s were the first known settlers in North America, ten thousand years before Columbus came to the continent. Their origins completely unclear, anthropologists believe there were three to five million Native Americans in North America in the year 1492 (Hoxie and Iverson, 1997)....
Tad and Lily Yoshii would go on to raise a family in El Cerrito and bought a house there despite barriers to do so for Japanese-Americans post war. Tad was well known in the community as he worked at a local produce for many years. The Yoshiis had two sons and a daughter who would...
The ranch was water rich and its spring once provided water to the area’s Native Americans. The ranch is still owned by members of the Greil Family and continues to be a productive, working ranch. The Greil Ranch House In August of 2017, Randall’s children were invited to visit the ...
Is doublethink in 1984 a form of propaganda? Is Winston's immediate trust of Julia in 1984 foolish or justified? Does Julia or Winston represent more of a threat to the system in 1984? Does Thoreau engage with Native Americans i...
For Navajos, an Award of Gratitude; Congressional Gold Medals Given to Native Americans Who Created WWII CodeSteve Vogel
& WWII hadn't already muted so many political controversies 'for the duration.' But modern viewers will appreciate the remarkably up-to-date documentary techniques and the recreations which anticipate movie styles later developed by Elia Kazan & Boris Kaufman in films like ON THE WATERFRONT/'54....
St. Clair, the chairman of the Eastern Shoshone Business Council, pointed to the dedication and bravery of Native Americans who served as volunteers in the Spanish American War and in World War I, before Native Americans were granted U.S. citizenship. “Major General Lee Gilstrap, who trained...