Indigenous women activists, for example, in Native American Studies have been pressured to stay in solidarity with their men, ignoring widespread sexism. In a patriarchal society, furthermore, women are supposed to be nonpolitical, and confined in the domestic sphere. This essay will consider the...
In the past, Free said many Native American women she supported faced a “double barrier” along race and gender lines in winning over donors who doubted their competitiveness. But Haaland and Davids proved to topple it. Haaland raised about $1.9 million, more than any of her opponents, des...
As the two sides debated, the Indians continued settling into their new home. “We all had things to offer each other,” resident Luwana Quitquit later remembered. “Brotherhood. Sisterhood.” Native American college students and activists flocked to join the protest, and the population of Alcat...
FS — If you could give today’s young activists one word of advice, what would it be? How about five words? Join the revolutionary socialist movement. Features history indigenous struggles people of color Why I Joined women & feminismShare...
and there’s been little justice sought by the American government or received by the women’s families. Because Indian Country is in rural areas, we are impacted by the fossil fuel industry most heavily and we experience these crimes first and worse. It’s a massive issue that has yet to...
By countering the racist fixations that have plagued stories of Native American culture, they hope to reverse the “invisibility” that many feel.
In 1967, a group of “Red Power” activists occupied the island of Alcatraz in California. During World War II, the Japanese Army could not break the secret code of the U.S. Military. The code was simply a group of Navajo volunteers speaking their Native American language on their field ...
This gorgeous volume draws from the vast archives of the National Museum of the American Indian and the voices of some of the most prominent Native American scholars, writers, activists and tribal leaders. G. McMaster,C. Trafzer,K Gover ...
such as when activists took over Alcatraz Island (1969–1971). While that standoff ended peacefully, others, such as the Wounded Knee incident on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1973, ended in violence. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was a powerful force for activism and resistance....
It was discoverd that 75 percent of the Claremont sterilizations were non-therapeutic, that women American Indians were being prompted to sign sterilization forms they didn’t understand, that they were being told the operations were reversible, and that some women were even being asked to sign ...