Chemakum and Quileute, the first is extinct, and the latter is endangered. The situation of these two tribes and certain traditions indicate that the family may have been more powerful in former times and occupied the entire region
Learn about Native American tribes and leaders like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Tecumseh, and events like the Trail of Tears, the French and Indian War, the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the American Indian Movement (AIM).
Why did the Lakota live in teepees? Why were the Pilgrims different from many other settlers? Why are the Arapaho Indians important to understanding Native American history? Why did the Lakota Sioux leave their homeland? Why did Tecumseh bring together many Native American Tr...
This display shows a cutaway view of a teepee and describes the many hardships Native Americans endured on reservations. Settlers moving into the West Other displays in this center focus on settlers moving west as part of their “Manifest Destiny.” This 19th century belief stated that American s...
Native American Homes & Dwellings The type of dwelling a Native American tribe used as shelter depended on where in the continent they lived. They used whatever was in abundance; it could be trees, caves, hides, clay, or vegetation. The tribes were very
Plank houseswere very permanent wooden structures. Built by Native Americans along the west coast (particularly in the Pacific Northwest), planks were crafted together to make these houses that could withstand rain and cooler temperatures. Because of how hard they are to build, the only tribes tha...
In these wars the Native American tribes were at a great disadvantage because of their modest numbers, nomadic life, lack of advanced weapons, and unwillingness to cooperate, even in their own defense.The end of the wars more or less coincided with the end of the 19th century. The last ...
Why did some Native American tribes used tents for shelter? Why did Queen Isabella outlaw the enslavement of Native Americans? Why was the Indian Territory important? Why were there so many different Apache tribes? Why did Squanto help the Pilgrims?
Native American languages have added many words to English, though the meaning of a word has often been changed. Teepees are a kind of tent, *wampum belts were made of beads and since the belts had great value Europeans used wampum to mean 'money'. Moccasins, a kind of shoe, are today...
Animism is a commonly shared belief amongst American Indian tribes. It is based on the spiritual belief that everything, living, natural or inanimate and has a soul or spirit The religious leader of each Native American tribe was called the shaman or medicine man. The term "Red Indian" for...