“Native Intelligence“: An excellent new article by Charles Mann in the Smithsonian on the true stories of early native/colonist interactions. 1491by Charles Mann, on the sophistication of Native American societies prior to contact with Europeans. Wampanoag culture:http://www.native-languages.org/w...
Native American Day 2025, Native American Day 2026 and further. On this page you will find information about Native American Day 2025, 2026 and beyond. What is open and closed on Native American Day 2025?
with suspension eyelets, slotted bases, and pebble or nodule rattles inside the resonator," said Gordon R. Willey said in An Introduction to American Archaeology, Volume One. "They were all made by the ‘lost wax’…method of copper
Natives hear “Indigenous people can’t use modern tech then” when we protest the religious and cultural bigotry of those who misuse the sacred objects of several hundred separate and unique Indigenous American cultures but that is nothing more than an ignorant lie that hinges on the bigoted myt...
daily activities, which is when it matters most, rather than in a clinic. Washable tattoos ...