Slate bird stone approximately 3.5 inches (8.9 cm) long. Courtesy, Robert N. Converse, The Archaeological Society of Ohio Cherokee Phoenix Front page of theCherokee Phoenix, March 6, 1828. The first Native American... The Newberry Library, Ayer Fund, 1946 (A Britannica Publishing Partner) ...
The Central American land bridge has served as a passageway for animals and humans moving between North and South America. Nevertheless, after the first wa
Native American art, Archaic period in the Americas, Petroglyph, Pictogram, Petroform, Rock art, Stone tool, Inuit art, Northwest Coast art, Woodland period, Poverty Point culture, Mississippian culture, Oasisamerica, Ancient Pueblo Peoples, Hohokam, Mogollon culture, Pre-Columbian art, Mesoamerican...
Native American - Prehistory, Tribes, Culture: Indigenous Americans had (and have) rich traditions concerning their origins, but until the late 19th century, most outsiders’ knowledge about the Native American past was speculative at best. Among the mor
(redirected fromPunative) Thesaurus Legal punitive damages pl.n. Damages, in addition to compensatory damages, required to be paid by a defendant as punishment for particularly egregious conduct and as a deterrent to others. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Co...
A complete source of quality supplies for making Native American Indian crafts, Native American Indian cultural arts, and dance clothing. Beads, beading supplies, jewelry findings, feathers, leather, and kits focus on materials and information to make bo
You ask me to dig for stone! Shall I dig under her skin for her bones? Then When I die I cannot enter her body to be born again. You ask me to cut grass And make hay and sell it, and be rich like white men! But how dare I cut off my mother’s hair? American Indians’ ag...
The tools for starting a fire were essential to Native American life. Native American tribes used fire itself as a tool. They used it not only to cook their food and keep them warm but also to clear land for farming and hunting, to control pests, and even as a means of communication ...
Spiritual icons such as the Hero Twins, Tlaloc and Horned Serpent figures declare their parentage, and they seem to have played roles in Anasazi beliefs which evolved from those in Mesoamerican cultures. For instance, J. J. Brody, a distinguished researcher in Native American Art History and pas...
You need to know what Native American (NA) marks look like and ALSO match the mark you've found to the STYLE of the piece in question. Additionally, beware of listings that say Alpaca silver, German silver, or don't have any purity marks. Use your magnets as an elimination tool (...