Two-Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1997; Google Scholar Maurice Kenny. Backward to Forward: Prose Pieces. New York: White Pine Press, 1997; Google Scholar Will Roscoe ed. Living the Spirit: A Gay...
Followers of the New Age movement and others have been exploiting and commercializing "Native American" spirituality. This exploitation is being fought by many Native people. Native American spirituality may be studied and appreciated, but use of Native American religious forms outside of Native ...
When one mentions native spirituality, he is generally referring to Native American spirituality. This is quite different from religions such as Christianity, as no single set of beliefs or dogma exists. It is not a religion as such, but more a way of life that integrates widely varying sets...
American Indian CultureAmerican IndiansClient Characteristics (Human ServicesCounselor Client RelationshipCounselorsInterviewsSpiritualityAlthough the multicultural counseling literature includes numerous references to working with Native Americans, this population continues to be misunderstood and underserved. A series ...
JOHN A. MURRAY University of Alaska, Fairbanks Mother Earth Spirituality: Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and Our World. By Ed McGaa, Eagle Man. (San Francisco: Harper &Row, 1990. 230 pages, $14.95.) "If the Native Americans keep all their spirituality within their own com m...
The Native American practice of animal medicine embraces an awareness that reveals itself when a certain animal crosses our path
The meaning of caregiving for Alzheimer's disease among native american caregivers: stories of spirituality, fatalism, and mastery : P. Boss, L. Kaplan, Dept. of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota-St. Paul, and M. Gordon, Miller-Dwan Hospital and Counseling Center, Duluth, ...
This book looks at the diverse spiritual traditions that have evolved in South and Central America and the Caribbean, since their first violent encounter with Europeans in the 16th century. Rich, varied writing from international scholars examines the diversity of religious practices and beliefs. 我来...
Whitam?Frederick L. - 2001 - 323-326 - www.ingentaconnect.comWhitam?Frederick LArchives of Sexual Behavior
The Spirituality of Community Life: When We Come 'round Right Preface Introduction Chapter 1. What We're Up Against: Competition Against, Insecurity, and Growth Competition Against or Competition With The Creation of Insecurity Growth for Growth's Sake Chapter 2. The Hope for America is on th....