The Central American land bridge has served as a passageway for animals and humans moving between North and South America. Nevertheless, after the first wa
American Indians were not given U.S. citizenship on a mass scale until 1924. In January of 2025, Deb Haaland, a 35th Generation New Mexican and member of the Pueblo of Lugana, became the first Native American to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the White House, appointed as U.S. Secret...
Native American Day 2025, Native American Day 2026 and further. On this page you will find information about Native American Day 2025, 2026 and beyond. What is open and closed on Native American Day 2025?
The American Falls, in New York, is nearly 180 feet high and 1,100 feet long. The Niagara River produces enough hydroelectric power to supply more than a quarter of all power used in the state of New York and Ontario. The National Baseball Hall of Fame is located in Cooperstown, New ...
For all his capacity to make nice with the mainstream when it suited him, and all his latter-day stature as one of the grand old men of American film, Martin Scorsese has never been an entirely comfortable or readily domesticated filmmaker. Indeed, Scorsese’s personal definition of an artist...
Citizenship Act of 1924 An effort to assimilate Native Americans into white culture and society through the granting of American citizenship Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Ruled that Indians were dependent domestic nations which could be regulated by the federal government. ...
Native American Y DNA Haplogroups Haplogroup C is one of two core Native American male haplogroups. Of the two, haplogroup Q is much more prevalent, while haplogroup C is rare. Only some branches of both haplogroup Q and haplogroup C are Native American, with other branches of both haplogrou...
This act required all Indiansto migrat to west ofthe Mississippi River toallow for the expansion ofthe US. American Indiansweretreatedasa mlitary enemyunil1924,(1830年,美国前总统安德鲁·杰克逊签署了《印第安人驱逐法》。该法案要求所有印度人迁移到密西西比河以西,以允许美国扩张。直到1924年,美洲印第安人...
Around 40 guests witnessed this latest display,Eternal Presence, the painted metal symbols for a Native American woman and man, created by Mariah Gladstone. The inauguration began with a smudging ceremony conducted by a man named Josiah. Smudging is a cleansing act with the smoke from an earthen...
20 Native American Women You Should Know When we hear about Native American heroes, we might often think of legendary male warriors and chiefs like Geronimo and Sitting Bull. Unfortunately, the