The two-spirit is a man or woman who mixes gender roles by wearing clothes of the opposite or both sexes, doing both male and female (or primarily "opposite-gender") work, and often engaging in same-sex relations with other members of the tribe. Two-spirit people often are shamans, perf...
Even after her gallant acts of war, tribes were still confined to reservations. There, Osh-Tisch was harassed and ridiculed by missionaries. They forced her to cut her hair and dress in men’s clothes. And yet, tribal leaders defended her. Even in the Victorian era, Native people embraced ...
the children’s clothes were generally confiscated and replaced with uniforms; the boys were usually subjected to haircuts at this time as well. Students often experienced cruel forms ofcorporal punishment, verbal abuse, and in some cases sexual abuse; the extent of the mistreatment may best be ...