With savings rates dropping on easy access accounts, Nationwide’s FlexDirect has sprung back into contention. That 5% can be beaten, but not with a fixed rate. Th e £1,500 limit for this rate will be a frustration for some (especially since the balance used to b e £2,500 a fe...
Each component is given a minimum score of 0 to indicate “worst” intake of that kind(s) of nutrient(s) and is given a maximum score of 10 to indicate “best” intake of that kind(s) of nutrient(s). Therefore, the total score ranged from 0 to 70. A higher AHEI score indicated ...
The draw month is the month after the last month of a six-month period, e.g. to be entered into the February one you’ll need to have saved the minimum in the previous August, September, October, November, December and January. And if you withdraw any cash you’ll need to pay it ...