A script that seeks to find an optimal solution to Nationstates issues nationstatesnationstates-api UpdatedJul 31, 2023 Python audreyreal/swarm Star4 Code Issues Pull requests puppet manager for nationstates nationstatespysimplegui UpdatedJul 9, 2023 ...
Issues for NationStates 评分及评论 4.8(满分 5 分) 376 个评分cbm124 , 2023/10/22 My thoughts Only iOS app for nation states, so not a lot of competition but a perfect time to capitalize. One major gripe I have is the when passing legislation/ deciding on issues, the most recent...
For those more stats-oriented, or just not wanting to re-read each issue when it pops up, this script will remember your previous choices and remind you of them when answering issues. These consist of three scripts. When used together, issue answering can be done just by pressing enter rep...
Voting issues. Why does it seem that every country have them? I'm of the opinion to abolish elections entirely and have people do whatever they want, but that's for you to decide. And that's it for today! Send in what you want me to do with issues in, uhh, 72 hours, I'm not...
sz=64&domain=nationstates.net// // @grant window.close // ==/UserScript== // @match on autoclose=1 not necessary for gotissues but is for junkdajunk and others // @match on enact_dilemma as autoclose does not carry over to the issue answered screen // @exclude on show_dilemma ...
Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights devdutchy/jsNSRecruitmaster 1 Branch 2 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit devdutchy final commit 99014e7· Oct 26, 2018 History37 Commits cli core errors rest ...