Welcome to NationStates World Regions Wiki, an in-depth and thorough encyclopedia for all information pertaining to the NationStates World Regions Gaming Community. The Nationstates World Regions (NWR) is a group of regions from the Nationstates game:, African Continent, American Continent (both North...
NSNationStates(online game) NSNorsk Standard(Norwegian Standard) NSNullsoft(developers of Winamp) NSNippon Seiki(Japan) NSNada Surf(band) NSNeighbor Solicitation(computing) NSNanostructure NSNo Surrender NSNimbostratus(cloud formation) NSNetwork Series ...
Hello everyone who plays issues for nationstates please check out a sports game called campus dynasty a college basketball season game where you are a coach of a college basketball team the only thing to watch out for is don’t choose new game option because it will delete your history and ...