In Spanish, most of the words for the people who hail from particular countries around the world look or sound very similar to the word for the country in English. For example,colombianois the word for a male hailing from Colombia andbolivianais the word for a female from Bolivia. An inte...
基础英语教学 Countries names and nationalities Countriesandnationalities.Practisespeakingandwriting,usewiththebelowsentences,withpresentsimpletense,“tobe”,“havegot”.1.WoodenslippersarefromtheNetherlands.TheyareDutch.2.AnimeisfromJapan.It`sJapanese.3.TheMagyarNepmesekcartoonisfromHungary.It`sHungarian.4.The...
Not the most obvious choice, but with a population of more than one billion, statistically China must have its fair share of cool people. Besides, it’s prudent to include the Chinese in any list like this because, if we didn’t, China’s resourceful hackers would simply crack into the ...