11). A similar form of cultural nationalism that is closely tied to shared origins and culture, which indicated a closed membership, played a significant role in nationalist movements that established new nation-states in Europe such as Italy, Germany, and Ireland in the late 19th and early ...
8 In the 1990s, Europe's nations formed the European Union.9 How Economic Nationalism Is Different Economic nationalism is a form of nationalism that specifically prioritizes domestic businesses. It seeks to defend them against multinational corporations that benefit from globalism. It advocates ...
Into the early 2000s, in both Western and Eastern Europe, considerations of religious diversity were subsumed to the development of legal and institutional structures to protect and promote ethnic and linguistic diversity. Work by Rogers Brubaker, for example, was taken up quickly in both academic ...
18They also ob-served that, while in Western Europe memories have been fixed“in stone”,inthepost-Soviet countries the reinterpretation of history has taken place at the level ofpublications, films and public debates. Focusing mainly on the textual forms ofmemory on online platforms,19they ...
Semantically, the construction “Chechen War” operates the same way as the coinage“captive of the Caucasus.”It conceals the aggressor, suggesting we look at the object of the aggression as the aggression’s cause. In this logical trap, Chechnya seems to have gone up in flames by itself. ...
But there is no reason to believe that the general standards of musical performances and of composition in Ireland were on the whole any worse than in other provincial centres around Europe. Neither does Fleischmann provide any reason to believe there might be some justice in extreme claims that...
There are multitudinous cases all over Europe (and Britain), Africa and also the Americas and elsewhere. The Palestinians would have become one such. And like Poland being divided between Germany and Russia, or between Prussia, Austro-Hungary and Russia even earlier (on this see the inimitable ...
nationalism in Europe, while the 20th century witnessed the rise and struggle of powerful national movements throughout Asia and Africa. Identification of state and people Nationalism, translated into world politics, implies the identification of thestateor nation with the people—or at least the ...
from Nazi ideologists.” Weiss also noted that “the press and popular magazines of Germany and Central Europe had fed a steady diet of racialnationalismto the public since the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and anti-Semiticstereotypeswere nothing if not commonplace in German mass ...
Can You Answer These Questions from the United States Citizenship Test? The concept of national citizenship virtually disappeared in Europe during theMiddle Ages, replaced as it was by a system of feudal rights and obligations. In the late Middle Ages and theRenaissance, the holding of citizenship...