List of Class 11 Political Science Nationalism Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers 1. Who wrote the book discovery of India? Mahatma Gandhi Jawaharlal Nehru Chandra Ambedkar Answer:B) Jawaharlal Nehru Explanation: Jawaharlal Nehru wrote the book Discovery of India. ...
How do things stand with the concept of class? Is class still a useful category of analysis? Is it still a rallying cry for political action, even among progressives? I recently attended a meeting sponsored by a progressive coalition. People had gathered to work on a strategy to defeat ...
It is not surprising that under these circumstances that newly elected ITAK leader would not wish to continue with the 13th Amendment but has instead called for a federal solution. However, the rise of Tamil nationalism is not only due to the failure of the present government to hold the pr...
But they hold power, and "the people" don't. Many populist leaders are, in fact, part of "the elite." Trump, for example, was part of the economic elite. It's not so much the elite that is the issue, but the elite related to the exercise of power within institutions. To the ...
While initial vaccine policy of the Modi government was rightly panned by commentators on all sides of the spectrum, till this day I have not come across a serious liberal voice who is happy with the vaccination program undertaken by the Modi government (an exercise unlike any other in the hi...
If the power of the people in the framing of the Constitution or in the framing of the laws or in the sphere of executive action is subject to certain immutable rules, it cannot be said that they can pass any law that they like, or, in the exercise of executive functions, do whatever...
States govern through time and the intense focus on migration as movement across international borders has tended to mean that until recently the ways in which states exercise control over temporalities has been overlooked. Many political theorists are agreed that migrants accrue rights over time, and...
The whole Volkish nonsense is such a complete exercise in Romanticist sentimentalism (which Neitzsche explicity frowned upon) that I truly do not even know where to begin in addressing it. The very democratic nature of this idea, that all Germans or Frenchmen or whomever share a common bond ...
不仅仅是语言类问题下,军事圈、历史圈,这些也是营销号写nationalism爽文吃恰流量的重灾区。 @赵泠 : @Kotoba Trily : @MakYiens莫羡 : 同样的诉求 UntPhesoca: 同样的诉求 @知乎小管家 知乎,请给我一个交代1234 赞同 · 141 评论文章 发布于 2020-11-16 03:38 ...
其实这种披着internatsionalizm皮的anti-nationalism成因复杂,一方面是南苏联现在只是相对进步的现状所局限,另一方面则是一种小布尔乔亚式的对社会缺乏客观认知的同时又有对自身体验不满相结合形成的逆反心理。 @Gen.Aleksandr : 所以我看这些披着internationalist外衣的anti-nationalist就恶心。“三座大山”早被他们抛到了脑...