NWF 英文全称National Wildlife Federation 中文解释全国野生动物联合会 缩写分类机构组织,生物科学 MCLA海军陆战队联合辅助部队 M.C.P.城市规划硕士 MCROA海军陆战队后备军官协会 M.C.S.商学硕士 mcvf多信道音频率 MDA共同防御局 MDAA美国肌肉萎缩协会 M.D.E.家政学硕士 ...
NWF 英文缩写NWF 英文全称National Wildlife Federation 中文解释全国野生动物联合会 缩写简介 美国组织 热门英文缩写词 SFAS(美国财务会计准则(公告)) ASC(英国会计准则委员会) IFRIC(国际财务报告解释委员会) CIP(在建工程) AIN(美国注册会计师协会解释)
Cites news related to the activities of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). Broadcast of the NWF Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program on the television program 'Great American Woodlots'; Availability of the 1987 conservation digest; Ruling by a federal appeals court for the government to consider ...
5) NWHL National Wildlife Health Laboratory 全国野生动物保健研究所[美]6) NUS(National Union of Students) 全国学生联合会 例句>> 补充资料:中华全国学生联合会 中华全国学生联合会 中国高等和中等学校 学生会的联合组织 。中 国大中学生自己的群众组织。简称全国学联。1919 年 6月16日正式成立。全国学联...
How is National Wildlife Federation abbreviated? NWF stands for National Wildlife Federation. NWF is defined as National Wildlife Federation very frequently.
National Wildlife Week was first celebrated back in 1938 by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). The organization was established in 1936 to unite dedicated individuals from all walks of life, who wanted to work for the betterment of wildlife. Over the years, actors, writers, and politicians...
Manage your National Wildlife Federation magazine subscription. Change your mailing or email address, make a payment, renew your subscription, or contact customer service at 1-800-611-1599.
B. World Wildlife Fund. C. National Geographic Society. D. National Wildlife Federation. 答案 [答案] (1)C(2)What does NWF think is the most important in environmental protection?A. Knowledge. B. Management. C. Money. D. Patience.(3)In what way does EcologyFund.com differ from the ...
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center’s Butter ies of North America site: .npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/ distr/lepid/b yusa/b yusa.htm where you can also search by state. Procedure 1. Ask your class what they know about butter ies. Do they know the link between caterpillars ...
3) International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 国际自动控制联合会 例句>> 4) NWF National Wildlife Federation 全国野生动物联合会[美]5) American Automatic Control Conference 美国自动控制会议6) AACC (American Automatic Control Council) 美国自动控制委员会 例句>> ...