Historical data from the ICS-209s are archived by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) on the Fire and Aviation Management Website (FAMWEB) in two formats: an HTML version of the forms (2001 to 2013), published at (https://fam.nwcg.gov/fam-web/hist_209/report_list_209), a...
The National Park System has long maintained a facility asset management database with information about each of its built structures. But when it came to noting susceptibility to fire, there was just a single field with a yes-or-no answer to the question, “Wildfire risk?” The database wa...
Wildfire also provides powerful analytics so you can measure the impact of these campaigns. Victoria has been an entrepreneur since her early twenties and has developed three companies. As founder & CEO of Wildfire, Victoria led the company to profitability in just one year and has built the ...
11月 2024National Wildfire Coordi...的市場佔有率分析 新聞與媒體發行商 域名nwcg.gov 成立年份-- 僱員51 - 200 年度營收-- 總部:美國, 馬里蘭, Potomac National Wildfire Coordinating Group National Wildfire Coordinating Group(包含公司地區) nwcg.gov查看更多網站流量與參與度資訊 ...
All unplanned ignitions are termed "wildfires," re- gardless of ignition source, and can be man- aged using the full range of responses depend- ing on the Land and Resource Management Plan and Fire Management Plan for the area (National Wildfire Coordinating Group 2008). Every wildfire is ...