interaction between weather forecast product design and users' characteristics to improve information transmission efficiency to the public.This study is a part of an ongoing NWS-funded project exploring the influencing factors behind people's use and understanding of National Weather Service Hydrology ...
The National Weather Service, Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center (LMRFC) is responsible for forecasting river storm surges within the Mississippi/Louisiana Gulf Coast Region. In a joint effort with the Tropical Prediction Center (TPC), realtime automated procedures have been developed to download...
NWPS is now the primary source of NWS water resources information, combining the functionality of two websites: AHPS shown in the top left image (currently housed and the former National Water Center website located Following NWPS implementation, AHPS will ...
NATIONALWEATHERSERVICERIVERFORECASTSYSTEM TheRFCsalsoprovideavarietyofotherservices–developmentofforecastproceduresas requiredandwhenrequested;developmentandimplementationofnewhydrologicforecast techniques;andimprovement of computer systems, data handling techniques, and hydrologic ...
Unit hydrograph B Add hydrographs 1+2 Convert discharge to stage 2 Display results 2 1 2 Requirements • Need models of all process, natural or man-made that occur in a watershed, or adjust the data to remove the effects –Snow accumulation and melt ...
Used in conjunction with soil moisture accounting models and areal rainfall data, they form the basis of the US National Weather Service (NWS) flash flood watch/warning program. As part of their modernization and enhancement effort, the NWS determined that improved flash flood guidance and thus ...
The operational hydrologists of the United States' National Weather Service (NWS) develop river forecasts as guidance for those at risk of flood damage and update those flood forecasts in real-time as more information becomes available. To do so they rely on experience and intuition to adjust ...