Official archive of the UK government. Discover our online collections, research guides and educational resources spanning 1,000 years - The National Archives, UK
National Grid is an energy company operating in the UK and US. We deliver electricity and gas safely, reliably and efficiently to the customers and communities we serve – all while working towards a clean energy future. About National Grid ...
📑 apetito is a leading food and nutrition business supplying care and social markets (Healthcare, LTC, schools, meals on wheels, etc.) with annual sales exceeding $1B (CAD). It is a privately owned family business based in Rheine, Germany with operations in Germany, the UK, the Republi...
Engineering with computers: National Engineering Laboratory holds open days, 5th–7th June 1985, Glasgow, UKengineering with computers: national engineering laboratory holds open days, 5th–7th june 1985, glasgow, ukdoi:10.1016/0010-4485(85)90167-8W.H.P. Leslie...
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and a master's degree in Business Administration from Boston University. He is currently a director of Vicor Corp., a publicly traded company. 4 GGayla J. Delly 董事1960女本科...
Submission of Company business plans in December 2024 is the next step of a regulatory process that will run through to the final determination at the end of 2025. We will include the outcomes of SSMD in our UK Electricity Transmission business plan for RIIO-T3, and we will continue to eng...
Engineering biology has the potential to offer solutions to a range of societal challenges including food, biomedicines, clean growth and the environment. Our expertise in standards and metrology (measurement science) is helping to create more reliable engineering biology technologies to improve wellbeing...
Our values If our vision sets out ‘what’ we want to achieve, our values are the ‘how’. They shape our spirit, attitude and what guides us. Our values underpin everything we do. They inform our decisions, how we show up and the way we treat each other. They shape our company an...
National Grid is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company serving more than 20 million people through our networks in New York and Massachusetts. National Grid is focused on building a smarter, stronger, cleaner energy future — transforming our networks with more reliable and...
Our Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24 We’ve published our Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) today, which provides a comprehensive overview of our Company performance and what we’ve delivered in the past year to play our role in the energy transition. ...