ASIC and APRA have released a public note from two joint Superannuation CEO Roundtables held on 25 November 2024 and 5 December 2024. The Roundtables were attended by 14 superannuation Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), representing a broad cross-section of the industry. The theme of these round...
Mr Jethwa also warns that any new levy “may also have consequences for the viability” of the Universities Superannuation Scheme, offered mainly by pre-92 universities, “risking further industrial action in the future” in the wake of several years of strikes overnow-reversed increases in contr...
Instrument 2022/603 exempts providers of superannuation calculators and retirement estimates (collectively referred to as ‘superannuation forecasts’) from certain regulatory requirements related to providing financial product advice if they provide their superannuation forecasts within the te...
The National Library underpaid 106 current and former employees a total of $245,000 in wages and superannuation over the last two decades, the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has reported. The underpayment was self-reported to the Ombudsmen earlier this year after an internal payroll audit found that...