(2000), the National Service Framework for Mental Health (1999), the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease (2000), the NHS Cancer Plan (2000) and the Public Service Agreements between the Treasury and the Department of Health, as well as a range of reports and statistics ...
McLean CCampbell CCornish F African-Caribbean interactions with mental health services in the UK: experiences and expectations of exclusion as (re)productive of health inequalities. Soc Sci Med 2003;56657- 669PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 95. Katz SJKessler RCLin EWells KB Medication management of...
Descriptive statistics summarised responses to questions one and two, and qualitative analysis (reflexive thematic analysis) was used to explore free text responses from question one. Results 782 participants responded to the MAP survey. Of these, 206 healthcare professionals, 157 people with ADHD and...
These data were identified through a systematic literature review searching MEDLINE, Global Health, Embase, Social Policy, and Web of Science, and comprehensive searches of national statistics and other websites. A country consultation process identified additional studies. Included studies were conducted ...
For quantitative data, descriptive statistics were used to illustrate participant responses. For the purpose of the narrative reporting of Likert scales, agreement was defined as an aggregation of “agree completely” and “agree partially” responses. Following this, analysis of qualitative data from...
Office for National Statistics. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey technical article: waves and lags of COVID-19 in England, June 2021. 2021. Available athttps://www.ons.gov.uk/releases/coronaviruscovid19 infectionsurveytechnicalarticlewavesandlagsofcovid19 inenglandjune2021(accessed July 2024...
The complete list of questions used in the survey is available on the Internet (www.statistics.gov.uk/downloads/theme_health/PMA_2000_AppB.pdf). Sleep problems were assessed using the CIS-R (Lewis et al., 1992). Insomnia was defined in three ways: Persecutory ideation was also examined...
The 2000 survey was undertaken in England, Scotland and Wales by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and was commissioned jointly by the Department of Health, Scottish Executive and National Assembly for Wales [17]. The 2007 survey collected data from adults in England only and was carried...
When repeated, it represents community and becomes a graphic element which can be used to visualise infographics, such as statistics about mental health. The logotype is set in Söhne Halbfett, a modern sans-serif typeface designed by Kris Sowerby’s Klim Type Foundry. Infused with the ...
UK economy production losses due to indirect costs of osteoarthritis are estimated to exceed £3.2 billion per year13,14. The high prevalence of osteoarthritis in adults aged 50 and over and increasing prevalence with age indicates a need to understand the relationship between osteoarthritis and ...