National SpeechDebate Association 演讲与辩论方案主要内容演讲包括一两个学生的演讲,并在一轮竞赛中与其他学生的类似演讲进行对比。演讲活动一般分为两类:公开演讲活动和解释性活动。公共演讲活动的特点是由学生提前或在有限的准备下写好演讲稿,可以回答问题,分享信仰,说服听众,或就各种话题教育听众。口译活动以学生选择...
赛事背景HARVARD INVITATIONAL 哈佛大学年度演讲与辩论锦标赛由哈佛大学辩论委员会主办,在每年2月份举办,哈佛大学辩论邀请赛是美国规模最大、最负盛名、最具含金量的演讲和辩论赛事,每年都有来自多个国家的近4000名选手参赛和近1000名裁判参与其中。其主办方哈佛大学辩论委员会成立于1892年,是美国历史最悠久、成绩最突出的...
亞太語文思辯中心(ADL)分別與國際辯論協會(National Speech & Debate Association) 是長期合作夥伴。換言之,亞太語文思辯中心(ADL)不僅可以藉由上課、日常比賽及國際比賽,讓學生獲取NSDA points所認可的學習積分(此一積分為申請美國大專院校入學時所認可的積分);並且透過比賽與培訓交流,加深學生和美國一流學府的彼此接觸...
National Speech and Debate Education Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday of March and this year will be marked on March 7. The purpose of the day is to prepare students to be better at public speaking and debates. Did you know that debates can help students develop skills in ...
The First Friday in March is National Speech and Debate Education Day to prepare students to do more than speaking publicly. Through the support of coaches and teachers, students learn the skills vital to success in future careers and everyday decision-making. The ability to conduct thorough rese...
The team also has a GoFundMe page entitled “Carson High Debate Nationals 2022” for anyone who would like to contribute online.For information, contact Mobley at National Speech and Debate Association’s website is
语法填空)I lost my last debate in the recentNational High School Academic Debate & Speech Tourna-ment held in Shanghai. But instead of focusing on my 1(fail), I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the pastfew years 2 a debater.In general, preparing for new debate topics usually3(...
Arcadia Boys Win National Speech and Debate Competition in AlabamaVuong, Zen
It is a skill he has honed over time, but it is one he values and uses every day on behalf of National Day Calendar and many other causes important to him. That's why the classroom focuses on Speech and Debate this week. We hope you find this week's project useful for your ...
The Asian Debate League (ADL) is a speech, debate, and writing institute that trains students from 3rd grade and up. Its goal is to produce competent and competitive contestants for both the Asia and the U.S. speech and debate tournaments such as, but n