1 Sun National Hangover Day 1 Sun Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary 1 Sun National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 2 Mon World Introvert Day 2 Mon National Buffet Day 2 Mon National Thank God It's Monday Day 2 Mon National Science Fiction Day 3 Tue International Mind-Body Wellness Da...
NATIONAL WICKED DAY was founded in 2023 with National Day Calendar® and WICKED the Musical.NATIONAL CIVICS DAY - October 27 Read More NATIONAL CIVICS DAY was founded in 2021 by National Day Calendar® and Long Island University's Roosevelt School and The Society of Presidential Descendents. ...
The National napping day was created in 1999 as a move to enlighten people on the health benefits of good quality sleep. History of Napping Day The holiday was created by a professor from the University of Boston and his wife; their names were William Anthony and Camille Anthony. As an ...
National Napping Day was created in 1999 by a Boston University professor and his wife. William Anthony Ph.D. and his wife Camille Anthony created this holiday to spread awareness on the importance of getting enough sleep and its benefits. The holiday was meant to help make up for the amount...
Festival of Sleep Day is a modern-day celebration, supposedly invented to help us recharge our batteries from all the lost sleep around the festive season at the end of the year. It reminds us to practice self-care for the coming year and take advantage of the numerous benefits of a good...
How can you plan and prepare for this once-a-year holiday? You can make it a memorable occasion for you and your favorite feline with this detailed look at National Pet Day 2023. When Is National Pet Day? National Pet Day occurs every year on April 11, and it has since 2006 when Col...
management. Exercise therapy is extremely important in the management of snoring. It not only helps to lose weight, but also improves the reserve capacity of cardiopulmonary function throughout the treatment process. Through regular, targeted exercise, older people can not only improve their sleep ...
A few foods make up what I call the perfect food, meaning that you can create them using most (if not all) of the major food groups. They are the hamburger, pizza, and the humble taco. Welcome to National Taco Day, the day we salute that oh-so-humble and
Thu May 11th, 2023 is National Twilight Zone Day, Make a Book Day, National Technology Day, National Eat What You Want Day, Hostess CupCake Day... and much more!
March 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recognize and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call.According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans don’t get as much sleep as