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The Biden-Harris administration has recently announced its much-anticipatedNational Cybersecurity Strategy. Just over four years since the previous strategy’s publication, the March 2 unveiling lands on the heels of ever-growing security concerns and a plethora of major incidents. This plan takes a ...
导语 美国总统拜登于2023年3月签署并发布《国家网络安全战略》(National Cybersecurity Strategy)。这是美国五年来在网络安全领域的首份战略文件,确定了拜登政府对网络安全治理领域的优先事项。7月,拜登政府又出台了《国家网络安全战略实施计划》(National Cyber 导语 美国总统拜登于2023年3月签署并发布《国家网络安全战略...
national cybersecurity strategypeople-centric securityCybersecurity encompasses a broad range of practices, tools and concepts related closely to those of information and operational technology security. Cybersecurity is distinctive in its inclusion of the offensive use of information technology to attack ...
Every federal administration for the past 20 years has issued a cybersecurity strategy, so in one sense the National Cybersecurity Strategy issued by the Biden administration on March 2, 2023 is not unexpected. The big difference, however, lies in the recommendations: For the first time...
This last section of the National Cybersecurity Strategy discusses general guidelines for implementing the strategy. I like to think of the strategy as the “what” we want to do and the implementation as the “how” we will do it. Trying to fit both into one document would be nearly impos...
In 2020, the National Cyber Security Strategy was conceptualised by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) headed by Lt General Rajesh Pant. The report focused on 21 areas to ensure a safe, secure, trusted, resilient, and vibrant cyberspace for India....
VILNIUS, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Lithuania's Ministry of National Defense completed the country's first National Cyber Security Strategy, aimed at preventing cyber incidents in critical infrastructures and other sectors, Edvinas Kerza, vice minister of defense, said on Wednesday. ...
The White House this week released a newNational Cybersecurity Strategy, intended to “secure the full benefits of a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans.” The Strategy is centered around five pillars: Defend critical infrastructure ...
The Biden-Harris Administration released the National Cybersecurity Strategy to secure the full benefits of a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans, according to a fact sheet on the report. The strategy seeks to rebalance the responsibility to defend cyberspace, realign incentive...