acquisitions and investments for the purposes of protecting national security. The new regime will, once in force, replace the national security aspects of the government’s current powers of intervention under the Enterprise Act 2002 (EA) which are not as extensive in their scope. But the NSI ...
Chinese authorities have drawn up new rules to review foreign investments on national security grounds. The rules were jointly released by the country's top economic planner and the commerce ministry on Saturday. CGTN takes a closer look at the new rules. ...
Investments and Security: Balancing International Commerce and National Security with Expanded Authority for the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United StatesChristopher Jusuf
The NSI Act came into force on 4 January 2022. The NSI Act is a significant piece of new legislation which establishes a stand-alone statutory regime for government scrutiny of, and intervention in, acquisitions and investments for the purpose of protecting national security in the United Kingdom...
And now this "omnipresent" national security narrative is also biting on the U.S. economy. Business insiders have repeatedly warned that by abusing the tactic, the U.S. government may potentially hurt the industry, which it is seeking to protect, by effectively isolating it from global markets...
On November 11, 2020, the UK government published theNational Security and Investment Bill(the “NSI Bill”), which, when enacted into law, will impose a new filing and clearance process for certain investments in targets with a UK nexus. Notwithstanding recent media...
The Bill incorporates aspects of CFIUS, and if passed would be a sharp break from the UK government’s past practice with respect to screening potential investments On November 11 2020, the UK government published the much-anticipated National Security and Investment Bill. If pas...
including additional restrictions on sensitive technology investments in China and increased oversight of companies under mitigation agreements. They also address emerging trends in CFIUS mitigation measures, such as considerations for supply chain resiliency and the increasing state and federal scrutiny of...
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Energy InvestmentsEuropean Unioninnovationglobalizationenvironmentefficiencyrenewable energyEnergy-related investments have been on a track of constant development since the global expansion of energy utilization and the rapid increase of energy demandSocial Science Electronic Publishing...