1.根据第一段which provides low-cost or free lunches to more than 30 million kids a day该计划每天为3000多万儿童提供低成本或免费午餐,不是完全免费的午餐,故A错误;The majority of America's schools participate in the National School Lunch Program(NSLP)美国大多数学校都参加了国家学校午餐计划(NSLP)可...
National-School-Lunch-Program网络国家学校午餐计划;国家学校午餐计画;国家午餐计划 网络释义 1. 国家学校午餐计划 ...提出者,在本月早些时候甚至称,联邦政府应该停止为“国家学校午餐计划”(National School Lunch Program)提供资金支持。cn.nytimes.com|基于13个网页 2. 国家学校午餐计画 第六:根据「国家学校午餐计...
回复@大卫看股票: 美国有一个名为“国家学校午餐计划”(National School Lunch Program, NSLP)的联邦项目,旨在为低收入家庭的学生提供免费或低价的午餐。这个计划听起来很美好,但问题出在执行层面。首先,并不是所有家庭都符合免费午餐的申请条件。一些家庭收入略高于贫困线,无法享受免费午餐,但又不足以轻松支付每天的...
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a major way in which government policy influences children's diets. Some have argued that the NSLP may contribute to child obesity by serving foods high in fat and calories, and previous research has found that the program leads to an increase in ...
chool Lunch Program National School Lunch ProgramNational School Lunch ProgramU.S. Congress
“from farm to fork”, and local products appear in school meals. School gardens also provide opportunities for nutrition education, as well as produce food that can be offered at the school cafeteria. Of course, these programs require money and resources, and it is up to the school district...
Federally-funded school meal programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP), serve an average of 31.3 million lunches and 11.1 million breakfasts per day at a cost to the country of $11.1 billion in 2011 (Food & Nutrition Services, 2012)...
1 The purpose of our study was to investigate the participation patterns of low-income children enrolled in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the association between participation and body mass index trajectories among these children. We defined low-income children as children who resided...
The Bush administration is considering an audit of the national school lunch program to make sure that all the children receiving free and reduced-price lunches come from families that are truly low-income. The Department of Agriculture says about 28 million children get their lunch each day throu...
The Bush administration is considering an audit of the national school lunch program to make sure that all the children receiving free and reduced-price lunches come from families that are truly low-income.The Department of Agriculture says about 28 million children get their lunch each day ...