Smooth progress was achieved in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and other projects. Active progress was made in key projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed line, the China-Laos rail line, and Gwadar port. The China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline began operating. We ...
In response to the critical worldwide issue of climate change, we suggested a Photovoltaic (PV) system at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Islamabad, Pakistan (latitude: 33.724530 N, longitude: 73.046869, terrain elevation: 552 m). Islamabad is located in a region ...
The Government is all set to announce a 2000 crore rupees package for displaced people from Pakistan occupied Kashmir living in the country. This came amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s overtures to people of PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The Jammu and Kashmir government has alre...
Plantation Workers, ESIC Works, Social Security Schemes, BOC Workers Cess Fund, Mines Safety, etc., and for further betterment. The Chief Minister, Shri N Biren Singh stated the statistics about various measures taken up by his Government in the field of improving the worker's conditions of hi...
The creation of Bangladesh out of East Pakistan in 1971 allowed Pakistan to improve its internal mail services, especially in rural areas, where three-fourths of the post offices are located. Postal facilities were greatly expanded throughout the country. ...
Kingdom and Northern Ireland, GHA = Ghana, IDN = Indonesia, IND = India, JPN = Japan, KEN = Kenya, KOR = Republic of Korea, LBN = Lebanon, MAR = Morocco, MEX = Mexico, NER = Niger, NGA = Nigeria, NOR = Norway, NPL = Nepal, PAK = Pakistan, PER = Peru, PHL = Philippines,...
Different Schemes: Saving Insurance Scheme (SIS) NBL is going on with contribution to perform social commitment inspire of being profit based commercial bank of which saving insurance is one of them. Under this scheme the depositor shall enjoy death risk twice the amount of the deposit on his/...