Wales. Welsh GovernmentSpringer-Verlag,Welsh Government (2011) National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales (Cardiff: Welsh Government).Welsh Government, 2011. National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales. Welsh Government, Cardiff....
The Jan 2013 earthquake occurred off Prince of Wales Island. I was just briefing the night shift in prep for me going home. Quake reached Juneau at that point. I remember the shaking was like being on a small boat in a rough sea and lasting about 30 sec. not quite enough to get us ...
Unlike others, I plan to take heed of your warnings on certain road accesses. We will be closer to Merced but will make the extra distance to Hwy 41. (Besides, isn't Chuckchansi somewhere near there?) I shall keep your site bookmarked in case anyone I know decides to visit Yosemite....
Some 23 flood warnings and seven alerts are in place across the Scottish Borders, Ayrshire, Orkney and the Western Isles, according to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. Most of Wales is covered by 18 flood warnings and 35 alerts issued by Natural Resources Wales. Th...
Richardson D, Burgess KA, Deakin R, 2002, National Assessment of Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk in England and Wales, 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, New YorkRichardson D., Burgess K., Deakin R. (2002), National Assessment of Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk in ...
Flood and coastal erosion risk management - development of a national strategy for Wales (consultation document)Welsh Assembly Government