The positions in the table below reflect the National Research Council (NRC)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where National Research Council (NRC) is listed. Position by res...
National Research Council Canada Conseil national de recherches CanadaMehaffey, J R
The National Research Council (NRC) is part of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States. It is a private, nonprofit society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific research, mandated by Congress to advise the US federal government on scientific matters. The relevance to autism...
National Research Council of Italy: The National Research Council (Cnr) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Founded as legal person on 18 November 1923, C
The positions in the table below reflect the National Research Council (CNR)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where National Research Council (CNR) is listed. ...
AN important feature associated with the April sessions of fhe National Academy of Sciences at Washington, D.C., was the meeting of the National Research Council. The P esearch Council is made up of eminent men of science who are members of the academy, and of representatives of the militar...
Open source code and developers community of the National Research Council (CNR) which is the largest public research institution in Italy - The National Research Council (CNR)
THE report of the National Research Council for the year July 1, 1931-rJune 30, 1932, provides an interesting commentary bearing on the note above. It covers the sixteenth year of the Council's activities and includes an account of the founding and organisation of the Council. It is an or...
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