National Referral Mechanism (NRM):国家转介机制(NRM) 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 249阅读文档大小:217.0K10页亿百度文库上传于2014-12-31格式:PPT magnesium modification of a calcium phosphate cement alters bone marrow stromal cell behavior via an integrin-mediated mechanism:磷酸钙骨水泥对骨髓基质细胞行为的...
He launched the BHIM Aadhaar platform for merchants, Cash back and Referral bonus schemes for BHIM and declared about 75 townships going less-cash.The Prime Minister felicitated the winners of the Mega draw of the two major incentive schemes to promote digital payments- Lucky Grahak Yojana and ...