The flag-raising ceremony was broadcast live on television for the whole country to see. 升旗仪式在电视上现场直播,全国人民都能看到。 5.阅兵式 Military Review 阅兵式是一种展示国家军事实力和军队风采的仪式,通常在国庆节或其他重...
The flag-raising ceremony was broadcast live on television for the whole country to see. 升旗仪式在电视上现场直播,全国人民都能看到。 5.阅兵式 Military Review 阅兵式是一种展示国家军事实力和军队风采的仪式,通常在国庆节或其他重...
NPR was established after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed thePublic Broadcasting Act of 1967. The act created theCorporation for Public Broadcasting(CPB),the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), and National Public Radio (NPR). The first program broadcast onNPRwas live coverage of the U.S. Sen...
Define nationaliser. nationaliser synonyms, nationaliser pronunciation, nationaliser translation, English dictionary definition of nationaliser. tr.v. na·tion·al·ized , na·tion·al·iz·ing , na·tion·al·iz·es 1. To convert from private to governm
On the first Friday in October, World College Radio Day celebrates the impact these stations have on their students and audiences. The day also invites new listeners to tune in to experience college radio for the first time and aims to raise greater inte
NPR News - National Public Radio Public radio networks:NPR News•Classical 24•Native Voice One•PRX Remix Play ▶️ Pause ⏸ Volume - Volume +
Arqiva specializes in broadcast and communications services within the media and utilities sectors. The company offers a range of services including television and radio broadcasting, smart metering for utilities, and satellite data communications. Arqiva primarily serves the broadcast media industry, utiliti...
The Weather Channel and provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage
The broadcast media in the Sudan also include three national public radio stations and 19 local public radio stations. 苏丹的广播媒体还包括3个国家广播电台和19个地方上的公共广播电台。 UN-2 A round-table discussion on the “Women and slavery” exhibition was broadcast live on the national pu...
Define national anthem. national anthem synonyms, national anthem pronunciation, national anthem translation, English dictionary definition of national anthem. n a patriotic hymn or other song adopted by a nation for use on public or state occasions Coll