Effects Of Prescribed Fire In Mixed Conifer Forest, Crater Lake National Park, OregonIntroductionStudy AreaMethodsResultsDiscussionSummaryLiterature CitedJ.D. Mastrogiuseppe
A previous study identified an historical mean fire return interval of 21 yr for these forests in the eastern Olympics prior to fire exclusion, with frequent, small surface fires maintaining an open forest. We tested whether Douglas-fir/salal forests would support low intensity prescribed fires, ...
Implementing the expanded prescribed fire program on the Gila National Forest, New Mexico: implications for snag management Efforts to return natural fire to the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, have resulted in controversy regarding management of snags (standing dead trees). The importance of snags...
Mosley involved an action under a homeowners’ insurance policy, wherein the trial court granted summary judgment to the insurer on the basis that coverage was excluded for a fire that occurred after a tenant rerouted the property’s electrical system to steal power from a main utility line for...
Page 16: “Treasury generally prepares the financial statements in this Financial Report on an accrual basis of accounting as prescribed by GAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] for federal entities.” Page 63: United States Government Balance Sheets as of September 30, 2023, and 2022 Li...
We also have an Incident Meteorologist (IMET) on station who can be deployed to various fire incidents to provide on-site meteorological support. The IMET also helps with local agency "burning schools" where prescribed burning education and using fire weather forecast information is taught. ...
Understanding pre-1850s fire history and its effect on forest structure can provide insights useful for fire managers in developing plans to moderate fire hazards in the face of forecasted climate change. While climate clearly plays a substantial role in
Our fire weather program focuses on providing forecasts of things like wind, relative humidity, and temperature for use by state fire officials for: prescribed burns, brush & forest fires, and burning permits. An ever growing focus of the National Weather Service is on what we call Impact-Bas...
The objective of this work is to present the application of prescribed fire as a tool formanagement in the Dzukija National Park, Lithuania. This was the first legal prescribed fire applied in Lithuania with the objective ofimprove the habitat of Black grouse for lek. This was an outstanding...
Create fire weather forecasts to assist fire departments and land management agencies plan and response to prescribed burns and wildfires. Give specific aviation forecasts to airports to help determine which planes can take off and land safely. ...