卡森上月在全国祈祷早餐会(National Prayer Breakfast)上发表的演讲中,批评医保改革及对富人增税的做法。他也警告道,“政… cn.nytimes.com|基于35个网页 2. 全美祈祷早餐会 来美国出席全美祈祷早餐会(National Prayer Breakfast)的台湾代表团,星期四在台湾驻美代表处举行记者会,说明在华盛顿访 … ...
23rd National Prayer Breakfast Set Today at Manila Hotel
酷狗音乐为您提供由Benjamin Carson演唱的高清音质无损National Prayer Breakfastmp3在线听,听National Prayer Breakfast,只来酷狗音乐!
The 20th National Catholic Prayer Breakfast will be held on February 27-28, 2025 in Washington, DC.
prayer, which we say every day after Holy Communion, always surprises me very much, because it is veryfitting1for each one of us. And I always wonder whether eight hundred years ago when St. Francis lived, they had the same difficulties that we have today. I think that some of you ...
WASHINGTON (CNN)--President Donald Trump veered off script at the start of the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday when he asked a room full of lawmakers, foreign dignitaries and religious leaders to pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger so that ratings of his show -- NBC's "The Apprentice" -- would...
At the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, President Trump boasted of his television ratings during his time hosting “The Apprentice” reality show and urged attendees to “pray” for his successor, former California governor and Hollywood macho man Arnold Schwarzenegger. ...
National Prayer Breakfast Address 2013 Benjamin S. Carson Address at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast Text version below transcribed directly from audio https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/bencarsonprayerbreakfastspeech.htm
Every President since the first one I can remember, Dwight Eisenhower, has taken part inthis great tradition. It's a privilege for me to speak where they have spoken, and to pray where they have prayed. All Presidents of the United States have come to the National Prayer Breakfast, regardl...
National Prayer Breakfast Address delivered 3 February 1994, Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C. Audio AR--XE mp3 of Address [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellow man throughout the world who live and die in povert...