Between 1964 and 67, the Greek-Cypriots turned to enosis again, but after realizing the difficulties and dangers involved in its pursuance, Makarios sought to strengthen independence instead, while limiting the powers of Turkish-Cypriots - in effect, aiming for a majoritarian regime with minority ...
We will transform government functions, improve the government responsibility system and organizational structure, and establish legal footing for government institutions, functions, powers, procedures, and responsibilities, so as to enhance the efficiency and credibility of government administration. We will ...
National security, government secrecy and emergency powers put traditional notions of constitutionalism to the test. They reflect the Hobbesian value that the safeguarding order and the state itself is the highest duty of the state to which other values including democracy and the rule of law must ...
them. It isin vain to hope to guard against events too mighty for human fore-sight or precaution, and it would be idle to object to a governmentbecause it could not perform impossibilities.Publius17The Future Balance of State andNational PowershamiLTonTo the People of the State of New York:...
What powers did the confederation government have? What did national leaders think of the Articles of Confederation? What was required to amend the Articles of Confederation? Which feature did the state constitutions and the Articles of Confederation have in common? What was ...
Powers, duties, and operations of state attorneys general: by the Committe on the Office of Attorney General. The National Association of Attorneys General (3901 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27609), 1977, 404 pp., softcover—$10.00Powers...
Why the Joint Powers Authority Refunding Bond Model Works: A Critique of the Attorney General’s Claim of Unconstitutionality In 2007, amid concerns that cash-out refunding bonds were legally unsound and might violate state law, State Senator Joseph Simitian submitted five questio... JLJ Appel -...
I'm Robert Lawrence Kuhn, and here's what I'm watching: how the National People's Congress, the NPC, China's highest organ of state power, embodies China's commitment to enhance its form of democracy, which China calls "Whole-Process People's Democracy." When I write o...
Broadcasted by Kuwait's state television, he said, "No room had been left for hesitation or delay in making tough decisions to save this country and secure its highest interests." "We find some escalating to interfere in the core of the Emir's powers and intervening in his choice of his...
Only the president can declare a National Emergency, which grants additional special powers in order to address an extraordinary crisis situation.