国家肖像画廊(National Portrait Gallery)隶属于史密森尼学会(Smithsonian Institution),收藏有美国历史中著名人物的肖像,这也是美国传统的艺术样式。国家肖像画廊通过各种综合性的艺术方式,包括视觉艺术、表演艺术、演讲艺术以及电子艺术,再现了许多名人的历史风貌。画廊还将永久收藏的将近1000件肖像作品,包括油画、雕塑...
Photographers are accusing the National Portrait Gallery of nepotism after it appeared to cater to a high-profile donor by hostinga photography exhibition for Zoë Law. Law, a makeup artist turned photographer, is the ex-wife of Andrew Law, the chairman and chief executive of major hedg...
Irving PennNational Portrait Gallery- Exhibition Posters... 1 2 3 Next → Expert framing Personalise your print with a bespoke frame, made to order in our Sussex workshop. Learn about framing Subscribe to our newsletter Be the first to hear about our new collections, limited edition launches,...
国家肖像博物馆National Portrait Gallery,是闺蜜强力推荐的,她说有时间的话,go!那里有很多故事。确实,NPG收藏着不少政治家、艺术家、作家、科学家、军事领袖等重要人物的肖像,不仅有传统的油画肖像,还有摄影作品、雕塑和其他形式的肖像艺术。每一则肖像背后都有故事,欣赏一个作品,如同阅读他的人物传记和一段历史。可...
顺带一提,伦敦大多数一线博物馆都是免费,尤其Potrait Gallery这,由于是学历史的绝佳场所,所以周一到五的白天(相对清闲)都会有很多小学生由老师带领,来这里画画或者讲一节历史课,相当于我们小时候去爱国主义教育基地了,只不过这里的B格远高于什么烈士陵园(对着一些石碑和名字,哪有看画这么直观地了解) ...
-, 视频播放量 253、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 0、转发人数 2, 视频作者 柠檬露露-雅思IELTS, 作者简介 剑桥CELTA认证教师;UCL英语教育一等硕士;985英专;雅思8/前国际学校老师;字幕翻译菌淘宝/微店(搜店铺名):柠檬露露英语私塾. ,相关视频:伦敦
Scottish National Portrait (肖像画) Gallery presents ___a__ series of lectures for the general public. 2. Then, one after another, Sydney discovered lots of things that were just sort of there-broad parks,superb beaches, and a culturally _ diverse_ (diversity) population.3. The next step...
Hallmark of the National Portrait Gallery’s permanent collection is the Hall of Presidents, which contains portraits of nearly all American presidents. The portrait of John F. Kennedy by Elanie de Kooning stood out the most. There are viewing areas within this area to watch some of the most ...